Sunday, June 04, 2006

ENG:Autumn’s Charm…----------------RO:Farmecul toamnei...

ENG : The center of Romania, perfect atmosphere of autumn. Nothing is moving around, no sounds, nothing, just the wind between the trees.Siriu Valley, October 2008.
RO: Centrul Romaniei , intr-o atmosfera perfecta de toamna. Nicio miscare inprejur, niciun sunet nu strapunge linistea. Doar vantul fosneste usor printre crengile copacilor,dand miscare peisajului. Valea Siriului, Octombrie 2008.
ENG:A beautiful morning of October 2007,Putna Village,North Side of Romania Country
RO:O frumoasa dimineata de octombrie 2007,cu deschidere spre satul Putna,Bucovina!

ENG:On the way to nothingness, you cling to the last hope of life... A leaf has stoped miraculously on a fence, refusing the reality… The time is passing by…
RO:In drumul spre neant,te agati de ultima speranta deviata… O frunza s-a oprit,miraculos intr-ungard,refuzand realitatea…Vremea trece…
ENG:A beautiful autumn afternoon on the Siriu valley… The autumn is here, the landscapes hunt has started.
RO:O dupa-amiaza frumoasa de toamna pe valea Siriului… Toamna a venit,”vanatoarea” de peisaje a inceput.

ENG:The Beer valley in the Ciucas Mountains. When you hear the name, it makes you think to the gold liquid, adored by romanians and many others! Maybe nothing compares to fresh cold beer savured here, in the heart of the Beer valley, surrounded by such a beautiful landscape…
RO: Valea Berii din Muntii Ciucas...Duce pe multi cu gandul la lichidul auriu,mult adorat de romani! Poate ca nimic nu se compara cu savurarea unui Ciucas rece,aici in inima vaii Berii,cu asa un peisaj in fata...


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