Monday, June 05, 2006

ENG:- The winter over the ridges and valleys----------RO:Iarna pe creste si vai...

ENG: Winter perspective. Main ridge from Fagarasi Mountains (Negoiu peak right under the sun).
RO: Perspectiva de iarna. Creasta principala a Muntilor Fagarasi. 
N ENG : The wind is winnow the fog from the South Side of the Fagarasi Mountains and Transfagarasan Alpine Road. Light, shaddows and greatness...
RO : Partea Sudica a Muntilor Fagarasi intr-un minunat spectacol de la mijlocul lunii martie 2006.
ENG : Midle of winter in Poiana Mica, Brasov. Just a paling covered by milions and milions of ice pins.
RO : Poiana Mica, Brasov. Vantul,soarele si temperaturile scazute din ultima vreme conditioneaza egal transformarea unei sarme ghimpate dintr-un gard intr-o opera de arta...

ENG :December, 2004. The traditional Cristmas, at Barcaciu chalet. Our Mountain radiates an unbelievable attraction… Breathless, we are watching the scenery behind Suru summit with hungry eyes…
RO : Decembrie 2004.De traditionalul Craciun la Barcaciu,Muntele noatru degaja o atractie nemaintalnita... Tintuiti,privim spectacolul de dincolo de Suru....
ENG :At the end of a wonderful January day, you look behind over the ridges and summits… Look at your life, you reevaluate the things that are really important for you. And when you see the blue sky, the immaculate colour of the snow, you cannot but thank God for so much beauty…
RO :La sfarsitul unei zile frumoase de ianuarie,te uiti in urma peste zari si creste... Te uiti la viata ta,si-ti reevaluezi lucrurile cu adevarat importante din viata. Si cand vezi cerul senin,zapada-n culoare-i magnifica,nu poti sa nu multumesti Cerului pentru atata frumusete...

ENG :In May, a trip to the kingdom of the Fagarasi mountains. The snow is up to the roof of the Podragu chalet. On the valley, just frosty avalanches… An unique feeling of absolute lonliness… As you turn your eyes aroud, you see no movement, you scan the line of the horizon, the ridges and… nothing… You’re free, free to spread your wings and fly…
RO :O iesire de mai in imparatia Fagarasului.Zapada troienita pana pe acoperisul cabanei Podragu..Pe vale numai avalanse curse una si una... E un simtamant unic de singuratate absoluta...Iti intorci ochii,si nu vezi nici o miscare,scrutezi orizontul si crestele,si nimic... Esti liber,liber sa zbori....


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