Monday, June 05, 2006

ENG:The fascination of the sunrise versus the greatness of the sunset---------RO:Fascinatia Rasaritului versus Grandoarea Apusului

ENG : Evening colors at the end of a day filled whith joy. It's freedom's horizon.
RO : Fapt de seara in Muntii Fagarasi. Noiembrie 2010
ENG :The fascination of the highest summit from Romania… Atdawn,after a “white” night, at – 15degrees Celsius, we’re now enjoying a beautiful day of January2006 !
RO : Fascainatia celui mai inalt varf din Romania...La rasarit, dupa o noapte alba,la - 15 grade Celsius,ne bucuram de o frumoasa zi de ianuarie,2006!
ENG : Waiting for the sunrise… whith all our clothes on! January 9’th, 2006,Vistea Mare Peak
RO : Asteptand toate hainele pe noi! 9 Ianuarie 2006,varful Vistea Mare

ENG :The end of day at the Danube’s shedding into the Razim Lagoon. GuraPortitei,July of 2005
RO : Sfarsit de zi la varsarea Dunarii in Laguna Razim-Sinoe. Gura Portitei, Iulie 2005

ENG:- The winter over the ridges and valleys----------RO:Iarna pe creste si vai...

ENG: Winter perspective. Main ridge from Fagarasi Mountains (Negoiu peak right under the sun).
RO: Perspectiva de iarna. Creasta principala a Muntilor Fagarasi. 
N ENG : The wind is winnow the fog from the South Side of the Fagarasi Mountains and Transfagarasan Alpine Road. Light, shaddows and greatness...
RO : Partea Sudica a Muntilor Fagarasi intr-un minunat spectacol de la mijlocul lunii martie 2006.
ENG : Midle of winter in Poiana Mica, Brasov. Just a paling covered by milions and milions of ice pins.
RO : Poiana Mica, Brasov. Vantul,soarele si temperaturile scazute din ultima vreme conditioneaza egal transformarea unei sarme ghimpate dintr-un gard intr-o opera de arta...

ENG :December, 2004. The traditional Cristmas, at Barcaciu chalet. Our Mountain radiates an unbelievable attraction… Breathless, we are watching the scenery behind Suru summit with hungry eyes…
RO : Decembrie 2004.De traditionalul Craciun la Barcaciu,Muntele noatru degaja o atractie nemaintalnita... Tintuiti,privim spectacolul de dincolo de Suru....
ENG :At the end of a wonderful January day, you look behind over the ridges and summits… Look at your life, you reevaluate the things that are really important for you. And when you see the blue sky, the immaculate colour of the snow, you cannot but thank God for so much beauty…
RO :La sfarsitul unei zile frumoase de ianuarie,te uiti in urma peste zari si creste... Te uiti la viata ta,si-ti reevaluezi lucrurile cu adevarat importante din viata. Si cand vezi cerul senin,zapada-n culoare-i magnifica,nu poti sa nu multumesti Cerului pentru atata frumusete...

ENG :In May, a trip to the kingdom of the Fagarasi mountains. The snow is up to the roof of the Podragu chalet. On the valley, just frosty avalanches… An unique feeling of absolute lonliness… As you turn your eyes aroud, you see no movement, you scan the line of the horizon, the ridges and… nothing… You’re free, free to spread your wings and fly…
RO :O iesire de mai in imparatia Fagarasului.Zapada troienita pana pe acoperisul cabanei Podragu..Pe vale numai avalanse curse una si una... E un simtamant unic de singuratate absoluta...Iti intorci ochii,si nu vezi nici o miscare,scrutezi orizontul si crestele,si nimic... Esti liber,liber sa zbori....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

ENG:Hiker on the Mountains--------------RO:Calator prin Munti

ENG :A short break on the highest Romanian peak. Some shepherds, always looking for cigarettes, are greeting all the tourists .
RO :Un moment de respiro pe cel mai inalt varf al tarii.Cativa ciobani,vesnic in cautare de tigari stau si dau binete tuturor trecatorilor...
ENG :On the mountains… Whith the tripod next to you, you are captivated by the millions of stars in the sky, while downthere in the power of night, the lights of the city appear one by one… A friend once said that we are always searching for the perfect light, tireless travelers in this life…
RO : In munti... Cu trepiedul langa,esti fascinat cum cerul este cuprins de stele,cum jos in puterea noptii,rand pe rand se aprind luminile... Un priten spunea ca suntem mereu in fuga dupa lumina buna,calatori neobositi in aceasta viata...
ENG :You often feel the need to find yourself again in the kingdom of ridges and blue skies… A beautiful morning, in May, at Turnuri chalet in the Fagaras Mountains. Even if downthere in city people wear t-shirts, here is still winter and upthere at 2238 meters altitude, you can climb on the roof of Podragu chalet on a snow heap, nothing can stop you…
RO :De multe ori simti nevoia sa te regasesti in imparatia crestetelor si cerului albastru... O dimineata de mai la cabana Turnuri din muntii Fagarasi. Chiar daca in oras se sta in maneca scurta,aici incepe iarna si sus la Podragu poti urca pe rampa de zapada pana pe acoperis,nimic nu te poate opri... Te regasesti sus,mai bun,mai curat,in imensitatea muntelui...
ENG :The beauty fills your soul wherever you might be… A more careful look into details finds wonders, hidden for the passing eye… Some petals, a bright sun and a little bit of imagination, near the Plaiul Foii chalet, in the PiatraCraiului
RO :Frumusetea inunda sufletul oriunde ai fi... O privire mai atenta,mai detaliata,descopera frumuseti ascunse ochiului trecator... Cateva petale,un soare stralucitor,si putina imagionatie,langa cabana Plaiul foii din Piatra Craiului.

ENG:Autumn’s Charm…----------------RO:Farmecul toamnei...

ENG : The center of Romania, perfect atmosphere of autumn. Nothing is moving around, no sounds, nothing, just the wind between the trees.Siriu Valley, October 2008.
RO: Centrul Romaniei , intr-o atmosfera perfecta de toamna. Nicio miscare inprejur, niciun sunet nu strapunge linistea. Doar vantul fosneste usor printre crengile copacilor,dand miscare peisajului. Valea Siriului, Octombrie 2008.
ENG:A beautiful morning of October 2007,Putna Village,North Side of Romania Country
RO:O frumoasa dimineata de octombrie 2007,cu deschidere spre satul Putna,Bucovina!

ENG:On the way to nothingness, you cling to the last hope of life... A leaf has stoped miraculously on a fence, refusing the reality… The time is passing by…
RO:In drumul spre neant,te agati de ultima speranta deviata… O frunza s-a oprit,miraculos intr-ungard,refuzand realitatea…Vremea trece…
ENG:A beautiful autumn afternoon on the Siriu valley… The autumn is here, the landscapes hunt has started.
RO:O dupa-amiaza frumoasa de toamna pe valea Siriului… Toamna a venit,”vanatoarea” de peisaje a inceput.

ENG:The Beer valley in the Ciucas Mountains. When you hear the name, it makes you think to the gold liquid, adored by romanians and many others! Maybe nothing compares to fresh cold beer savured here, in the heart of the Beer valley, surrounded by such a beautiful landscape…
RO: Valea Berii din Muntii Ciucas...Duce pe multi cu gandul la lichidul auriu,mult adorat de romani! Poate ca nimic nu se compara cu savurarea unui Ciucas rece,aici in inima vaii Berii,cu asa un peisaj in fata...

ENG:Portraits and Macro shots-------------RO:Portrete si Macro-uri

ENG: First snow in 2010 have frozen everything. In the second field, " Paltinului Tower" , from Fagarasi Mountains.
RO: Prima zapada din 2010 a incremenit totul in jur. In plan secund, Turnul Paltinului din Muntii Fagarsi. 
ENG : Beauty is the Art itself . The photographer is just THERE ...
RO : Frumusetea este Arta. Fotograful este doar ACOLO...
ENG : One of the first snowflakes on the Rasnoavei Valley in the begining of February 2008.
RO : Unul dintre primi ghiocei rasariti pe Valea Rasnovei, februarie 2008.

ENG : Old lady in front of Sucevita Monastery,Bucovina-Romania.
RO : Batrana in fata Manastirii Sucevita .
ENG : A magical evening of april... After the winter, you really enjoy such a warmly moment.
RO :O seara magica de aprilie... Dupa iarna friguroasa,savurezi din plin un asemenea moment...

ENG : Strolling on the mountain paths, somewhere above the city of Brasov,Romania
RO :Agale pe carari de munte,undeva deasupra Brasovului,pe drumul spre Poiana...

RNG:Citadin and rural landscapes------------RO:Peisaje citadine si rurale

ENG :Gura Humorului Monastery,view from inside.The Monastery is located in Bucovina area from Romania. Click HERE for viewing one of my best gallery from there.
RO:Interiorul Manastirii Gura Humorului,Bucovina. Apasa AICI pentru a vedea un fotoreportaj complet al zonei.
ENG : Culture PALACE from IASI by night. Just another perfect day from shooting over and over again...
RO : Palatul Culturii,Iasi pe inserate. Perspectiva de pe Moldova Mall.

ENG : Intercontinental Hotel from Bucharest,December 2006. Long exposure time and a deep valour of the aparature.
RO :Hotel Intercontinental din Bucresti,intr-o friguroasa zi de decembrie 2006!

ENG : Rasnov Citadel,near Brasov on a sunny day of may 2007! View from helicopter!
RO : Cetatea Rasnov,jud. Brasov intr-o frumoasa zi de mai 2007. Spre fundal orasul omonim,muntii Piatra Craiului si Leaota.

ENG : Culture Palace in Iasi, ROMANIA on a beautiful october evening
RO : Palatul Culturii dn IASI,intr-o frumoasa dupa-amiza de octombrie

ENG :Living the eternity...Somewhere above Onesti City, on roads and paths forgotten by time... RO: Traind eternitatea.. Undeva deasupra orasului Onesti,pe drumuri uitate de vreme...
ENG : The center of Brasov. An appeased and chilly atmosphere.Nobody on the streets,just me whith my tripod. I’mfreezing, in search for the good light… RO :Centrul Brasovului! Linistita si infrigurata atmosfera... Pe strazi nu e nimeni,doar eu,cu trepiedul dupa mine,dardai si inghet in cautarea bunei lumini.

ENG: Sports and Snapshots----------RO:Sporturi si instananee

ENG:Lights,shadows,sound and passion! TIESTO in Concert,Polyvalent Hall,2006 Bucharest
Ro:Lumini,umbre,sunet si pasiune! Tiesto in Concert,Sala Polivalenta-2006 Bucuresti
ENG: Ice Climbing World Cup Meeting, Busteni, February 2006 RO:Etapa a 4 a Campionatului Mondial de Catarare pe Gheata-Busteni Februarie 2006!
ENG:One of the many tense passages! Passing from oneclod to another, it is also one of the mostacrobatic positions! RO:Unul din multele pasaje de incordare a traseelor! Trecerea de pe un "bulgar" pe altul,constituie totodata si una dintre cele mai acrobatice pozitii!